Thursday, 7 February 2019

How Old ?

HOW OLD time to learn.

Crap to be told by the person, not so directly involved.
Its like a repeat of stories of old.
Actually I am wondering HOW OLD?

Yes I am talking about age. 
 In relation I am glad i am not the same.
I speak to the all people first hand.
 As I know if you don't things can turn bad.

If it wasn't meant, it is a lesson that must be learnt.
Because if it wasn't, next time you will become burnt.
Treat people with respect ... Its not something you get on a plate.
Beating around the bush is so wrong as its not like you are 21.
How Old... Time to learn....

3 years ago added on 7th.2.2019

A Poem for Mum

I will never get over my heart without you,
It flutters and skips a beat and pain goes right through,
I couldn't write down what I felt before, as other stuff was going on, to be able to grieve, once more.
I was ugly with anger you being taken from me,
Looking at others and feeling why me.
You never complained you never moaned,
You accepted your fate and said you were not frightened to go home.
Lucky with faith as that helped you through,
I always knew,
as grieving,
happened before you went,
as conversation disappeared,
with times i spent.
Its now the eve of your Birthday 77 you would be,
But its a 2nd Heavenly Birthday but the 1st with a Tree.