Thursday, 16 July 2020


People are used to instant,
Waiting is lost to a few,
Are we are too busy for this? if only you knew!
Can't you breathe a second, those in the instant crew?
Take time for you and you may just feel NEW.

Look at whats around you, see those magic smiles, you don't need to rush around see, smell, and see the day around.
Locked in should of been that education this can't keep going on.
Impatience is so ugly - did anyone die whilst you stopped.
The lesson is to breathe and look and see.!
By April Lewis 16.7.20

Wednesday, 8 July 2020

This Time

I felt the need after watching the News and the report of loss amongst families.
 This poem came to me.

The Deaths that have happened in lockdown.
The pain that i feel for those lost.
 The funeral taking a different route, of 20 minutes and thats the lot.
Not staying for a reminiscing, celebration, the celebration of the life, that was lost, at the time of the virus around.
Taking away lives.
My heart goes out to the funeral directors, who are doing this time after time,
Not easy for you, not easy for us, but your just carrying on for mine.
Thankyou for helping the families and being a huge support
Please be sure to give yourself time.
and thankyou as you certainly mean alot.

by April Lewis 1st July 2020

Thursday, 18 June 2020

The Virus of the World
But the one to open streets
Chatting from a distance

Neighbours instead of malls, seeing brawls and pub crawls.
For me i sit on my wall

A child of the 70's where we went out to play
Warm inside,
reminscing from my day

Animals given chances
Time for the environment to get back to speed.
Its not all gloom a doom
We just need to listen, take this time to breathe and listen to the birds and bees.

However Covid 19 its not funny, its taken lots from families,
Its the unseen disease that can catch someone at speed.

The Virus of the World.
Tests and PPE
Science and Daily News for us all to heed.

You will always get the stupid, its those who can really fall from not keeping a distance and spreading it round more.

April lewis 9.5.20

 Myth busters
 Covid verses Dementia
Are you feeling trapped?
Living with a Dementia is more than that.
Frustration that can grip you and you just don't know
Asking to go out but no where to go, but you cry!
Living with it Daily In the need for freshair.
Do you get that link whilst Covid is being a mare.
Social distance, thats something, that sometimes can't be done but reasurance and more love until this is has gone.

Do you feel the same? and your not to blame!

But imagine you don't remember, you just feel the pain and say the same again, I want to go out please i am going insane.

Dementia I am sorry this epidemic is interupting your life,

LIving well is important and that we know right!
Do you get that link whilst Covid is being a mare.

Do you get that link whist Covid is being a mare.
"I just want to go out that door!"

Purple Angel Ambassador Weston- super- Mare

The Purple Angel

Keeping the Distance

Keeping the Distance, 

Is it really so hard,
2 metres, 6 and a Half feet,
Just look and see, where you are.
Stop cutting across, Stop, who do you think you are.
You may have the virus, its not Ha ha ha
Yes you with the smirk and me with the mask
Just keep a wide birth, so i can get past.
If this is you, you need to change your ways, the virus isn;t over and i want to get through these days.
I am protecting you, in those isles in the shops, so just stay away
Think and just stop.

By April Lewis